
The Pella City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening. They appointed Shelly Riggen to the Community Development Committee, and Dave Corbin and Doug Klahsen to the South Central Regional Airport Agency.

They held a public hearing and approved a resolution to authorize a loan agreement and to issue $2,300,000 of general obligation urban renewal capital loan notes. The purpose is to support the infrastructure for the Lely North American Headquarters project. They approved a resolution directing the sale of approximately $1,985,000 general obligation urban renewal capital loan notes. They held a public hearing and approved a resolution to authorize a loan agreement and to issue $1,900,000 of general obligation capital loan notes. Among the purposes of the loans are street construction and a wildlife fence for the airport.

They approved a resolution rescheduling the public hearing for approval of the fiscal year 21-22 annual budget to Thursday, March 25.

They approved a resolution approving the Pella Farmer’s Market exemptions regarding peddler permits.

They approved a resolution regarding the city of Pella’s municipal telecommunications utility service rules and policies, and approved a three year farm lease agreement for land adjacent to the Pella Municipal Airport to Dan Terpstra among other matters.

They approved logos for Pella Community Services that promotes the missions of the various programs to improve the quality of life in Pella.

Council then went into a closed session to discuss personnel matters and pricing and marketing strategies for a public utility.