Marion County Public Health will host three more by appointment COVID-19 vaccination clinics this week, including today at the Bussey Community Center from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. This clinic is for first doses only.
For first dose clinics, eligible people include healthcare personnel, long term residential care residents and staff, pastors and church personnel who visit health facilities, all first responders, PK-12 school staff, early childhood education, state licensed/registered childcare workers, and all persons 65 years and older are eligible. Persons under 65 years old with qualifying health concerns are also eligible. Go to KNIAKRLS.com for a list of qualifying conditions. Government officials, staff of and individuals living in congregate settings, and inspectors responsible for hospital, long term care, and child safety are now eligible.
Another first dose clinic will be held at the department’s office in Knoxville on Friday, April 2nd from 8:30 a.m. to noon.
A second dose clinic will be held Thursday, April 1st at the Vermeer Pavilion in Pella. Those eligible for this clinic have been sent text messages with instructions.
Appointments must be scheduled. Individuals must live or work in Marion County.
View full details and links to schedule appointments here: Vaccine Clinics Week of 3/29/21