
The Pella Public Library and Pella Community Art Center invite the community to participate in an Upcycle Challenge as a celebration of Earth Day. All homes and businesses generate waste, and the two groups have been saving items that can’t be recycled, but seemed too good to throw away.

Carol Weihe with the Pella Public Library says registration is ongoing for two categories – those ages 14 and older who commit to completing and returning their project to the library by April 14th for display, and kits for children and others wanting to give upcycling a try. The kits will be available for pickup at the Pella Public Library beginning Monday.

Participants may work on projects independently, or the Art Center will be offering three open studio sessions to provide a space to create and get a little help if needed. Those sessions will be:
Sunday, April 11: 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Friday, April 16: 5:00 – 7:00 pm

Registration for these sessions is recommended since the number of participants will be limited to practice social distancing. Contact the Community Center at 641-628-4571 to register.

This program is free and open to all ages. Please contact the Pella Public Library at 641-628-4268 if you have any questions about the Upcycle Challenge, or Pella Community Services at 641-628-4571 for information about the Art Center sessions.