
The Union Street Players have released their cast list for the upcoming summer production of “Mamma Mia!” Sarah Maxwell plays Sophie, Leigha VanDam plays Lisa, Braelyn Ensor is Ali, Chandra Clark is Donna, Rachel Hoard is Tanya, Denise Gregory is Sky, Conner Gauley is Pepper, Will Rasmussen is Eddie, Doug DeWolf is Harry, Sean Galligan is Bill, Spencer Vermeer is Sam, Chris Brown is Father Alexandrios, and Isaac Piersma is the Flipper Guy. The company is made up of 37 performers. “Mamma Mia!” by the Union Street Players will be shown July 29 through July 31st, and August 1st, 3rd, 6th through 8th at the Pella Community Center. Tickets will be available at a later date.

Sophie – Sarah Maxwell
Lisa – Leigha VanDam
Ali – Braelyn Ensor
Donna – Chandra Clark
Tanya – Rachel Hoard
Rosie – Denise Gregory
Sky – Travis Mitchell
Pepper – Conner Gauley
Eddie – Will Rasmussen
Harry – Doug DeWolf
Bill – Sean Galligan
Sam – Spencer Vermeer
Father Alexandrios – Chris Brown
Flipper Guy – Isaac Piersma
Company-In No Order
Jobey Olson
Cameron Knox
Brad Rozenboom
McKenna Evans
Lucille Hopkins
Taylor Decious
Torrie Hollingsworth
Mariah Kooyman
Sami Clark
Darla DeHaan
Chris Brown
Taryn Sikkema
Giovy Eekhoff
Madi VanGilst
Abby Dart
Abby Malecha
Paulina Laoiza
Mackenzie Freeland
Abbey Beal
Jessi Vos
Dora Roorda
Marcus Goodyk
Kaitlyn Weaver
Lisa Witzenburg
Sarah Dron
Antonia Zylstra
Lindsay Foster
Thomas Salz
Jennifer Phelps
Phyllis Boyer
Andrea Bogaard
Sandy Olstoorn
Leo Vermeer
Lynn Cutler
Rylie Shettler
Zarah VanDyke