Pella High School students came together to package meals and make a dent in world hunger Monday morning.
Junior Hannah Nedder is on the Student Council, and says as a group they raised $15,000 from various grants and sponsors, and packaged a total of 80,000 meals as a school.
“I think it was a really great opportunity for us, just because we haven’t been able to do a lot of school events because of the restrictions, so it was a great way to bring everyone together, and for just a really great cause, so we were so happy we got to do it this year,” she says.
Nedder first got involved with Meals from the Heartland as a 7th grade student, when at the time she was able to help organize a project through her social studies class to package 20,000 meals.
Hear more about the effort at Pella High School on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.