A bill in the Iowa Legislature would freeze tuition at Iowa’s three state universities. State Senator Amy Sinclair is the chair of the Senate Education Committee, and says this would be a reasonable offering to students who were deprived of a traditional education this past school year due to the pandemic, and says it would be justified due to an influx of federal funding.
“When we talk about a university student coming into this next year, a tuition freeze would definitely be something they’d be eyeballing, largely because many of them haven’t been able to have the same opportunity with their university experience. They may not have felt as engaged with the classes they were taking because of the delivery of education this past year. Because of some of the federal dollars that are flowing into Iowa, this would be the year that could happen. Many universities were recipients of those federal dollars that could help them offset the rising cost of delivering coursework.”
The bill is currently being discussed in the house.