
Tonight is Opening Night at the Knoxville Raceway with the Pella Motors/Kraig Ford Season Opener. The Raceway is not limiting the number of spectators at races this year, and will host a full schedule of events after a shortened 2020 season. Tickets are available for purchase. Marketing Director Kendra Jacobs says Opening Night is always a highlight of the season.

“Our season opener is one of our biggest races of the year. Everyone is anxious to get back to the track and see their racing families once again. As per usual, we’re going to start a little earlier, so we’re looking at hot laps starting at 6:15 p.m., so make plans to come to the track a little earlier than in the summer. We’ll have a full schedule of 410 and 360 winged sprints. It’s going to be a great night of racing. Kraig Ford and Pella Motors have been partners of the track for a long time. They’ve always supported our season opener, so I know they’re ready to get going as well.”

Listen to live race coverage every race night on 95.3 and 94.3 KNIA with Live Trackside beginning at 5:00 p.m. and Race Nights Live at 7:00 p.m.