Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The number of COVID-19 vaccines provided to the public in Warren County continues to grow by over several thousand per week over the last month with 24,448 vaccines provided, including 8,987 completing their two-dose series of the vaccine, 5,515 with a single dose initiated waiting on a second shot, and 474 with a single dose vaccine received.
According to the New York Times Iowa Coronavirus Tracker, the average number of new cases in Warren County fell to 10 yesterday, a 7 percent decrease from the day before. Since January of last year, at least 1 in 9 people who live in Warren County have been infected, and at least 1 in 598 have died.
There are no Long Term Care Outbreaks in the county, and no additional deaths since the latest update from the Iowa Department of Public Health. Warren County has had 86 deaths overall, with 76 having the virus as the underlying cause, and 10 with the virus as a contributing factor.