Iowa Department of Education Director Ann Lebo toured the Career Academy of Pella and Pella Middle School as part of a statewide initiative to view work-based learning programs in the state.
Lebo says she was able to view the diversity of programs available to students in the Pella-area, including demonstrations from culinary arts, welding, and patient care. She also mentioned the work she had done over the years with Vermeer to establish apprenticeship programs in Pella, which were the first in the state.
“One of my priorities has always been work-based learning, and so I’ve been on a work-based learning tour, and I had been to Pella several times before but not actually to the actual school,” she says. “Typically I’ve been at Vermeer as we’ve been working on what the apprenticeship partnership looks like, several years ago when they started the program. Today was my first chance to actually see the kids in the school and the opportunities they have — and it’s been incredible.”
Lebo was able to meet with district administrators, including Director of K-12 Instruction Lowell Ernst, High School Principal Adam Beckel, and Superintendent Greg Ebeling, as well as several students and instructors in the Career Academy of Pella classrooms.