
The Central Iowa Division of the Naval Sea Cadet Corps is holding a new member Informational Open House in Knoxville on Wednesday, April 28th. Sea Cadets is a leadership and adventure program for youth ages 10-17 that have a desire to learn about the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Army, and Air Force. Eric Goslinga with the organization says that this is a way for students to explore career opportunities through the military.

“We do a great job of helping young people explore their career pathways, things they may want to do after high school. We appeal to a lot of young people who want to use the military to further their education. For instance, they go to a service academy and get an ROTC scholarship. We also have young people who want to enlist in the United States Military. Even though it’s a naval program, it’s really universal to all branches of service.”

Prospective cadets who want to train this summer must enroll prior to May 1st. Training is available this summer and one weekend a month throughout the year. The informational meeting is Wednesday, April 28th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Knoxville VFW.