
The Knoxville School Board decided to continue requiring masks indoors for the remainder of the school year at its meeting Monday. Superintendent Cassi Pearson says the hope is to finish the school year successfully, and most likely start next school year without masks.

“We are going to stick with exactly what we already have in place, which means no masks required outdoors, but indoors, we are requiring masks of everyone, simply because the CDC has not changed quarantine guidelines. If we didn’t require masks indoors, any kid who is exposed would have to stay home for 14 days. There are so many fun things happening in the month of May; we don’t want to risk kids having to sit out to quarantine. We’re so close to finishing the school year. The last day for students is May 28th. We’re going to keep status quo through then. Hopefully in the fall, things look different and we don’t have to require masks.”

Hear a recap of Monday’s Knoxville School Board meeting on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.