The Indianola City Council approved the application of a grant for COVID-19 relief recreational trails program grant at their meeting Monday. City Manager Ryan Waller tells KNIA News the city has an overall trails expansion plan, and this grant funding would make a significant dent.
“They are high-level plans so if we are successful in the grant, what we will do is work with our engineers and then get down into the specifics of where the path goes, what property it goes through, and obviously work with the residents that may be impacted. We have to make sure we do necessary easements and pay for those easements. At this point we are just throwing our hat in the ring and hopefully we can be competitive and secure a grant to pick off a big section of our trails plan.”
Waller also said the grant is funded by the Iowa Department of Transportation, and having the full trail plan in place allows the city to apply for grants and adapt as funding becomes available.