Marion County’s annual tax sale is Monday, June 21st. This is where investors can offer to buy taxes for any parcel with unpaid taxes from 2019-2020. Marion County Treasurer Michaela Bigaouette says this process is not the sale of property, but it could lead to the deed being acquired by someone else.
“Although your property is not sold at the tax sale, the taxes are sold at the tax sale. The interest goes from 1.5 percent per month up to two percent per month. As you can imagine, that can rack up really quickly for our residents. We obviously don’t want to see that happen. The biggest fear is that if that tax sale remains unpaid one year and nine months after the tax sale, that investor can begin proceedings to acquire the deed to that property.”
Bigaouette says the best way for residents to avoid their taxes being sold is to pay them when they are due. She encourages anyone to contact her office with concerns. Hear more about the Marion County tax sale on an upcoming Let’s Talk Knoxville.