
The Knoxville School District has hired two locals to begin next school year. Superintendent Cassi Pearson is excited to welcome a special education teacher and school nurse to the district.

“Blake McWilliams is a Knoxville graduate, so we’re welcoming him back home. He has been teaching at Twin Cedars most recently. He’ll be taking on a special education position at the middle school. We’re excited to have Blake on our team, as well as Haili McKeever. Haili is joining our nursing staff, and she’ll work under Angie Mitchell as a school nurse. She is well-known in the community, she works at Knoxville Hospital & Clinics and Pella Regional, and has a great background in pediatrics and instructing. We think she’s going to add a lot of value, educate our families and take care of them.”

The hires were approved at a recent special board meeting.