
The Knoxville Optimist Club is holding a fundraiser by placing a flock of flamingos in yards. Citizens can have a flock delivered to their yard or a friend’s yard for $25. Club member Amy Vroegh says they are fundraising for playground equipment.

“We decided to do a fundraiser to help raise extra money to add more park equipment to the small park across from Auld Park for the younger kids. The equipment that we looked at is going to cost around $45,000, and we don’t have that kind of money. We decided to start a fundraiser so we can get that taken care of.”

Flamingos will be placed in yards for one to two days before being moved to the next yard. If residents would like to donate but would rather not have flamingos in their yard, they can purchase “flocking insurance” for $50. Flocks will be delivered starting June 15th and will last around one month. Contact Amy Vroegh to make arrangements.

