Pickup for the Indianola Community School District Summer Meals Program will be on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the summer, providing up to three breakfast and lunch meals for each student. Food Service Director Abbi Costigan tells KNIA News the change was made from meal pickups every day to the twice-a-week format to help busy parents.
“Here at Indianola I just thought we would try it. Compared to last year when we ran every day you would pick up one meal then come back again the next day. And this way it’s more convenient for the parents to only have to come out twice a week, picking up on Monday and again on Thursday for another set of meals. So just more of the convenience factor and I thought it would help more people be able to take advantage of it.”
Meals can be picked up from Indianola Middle School from 11am to 1pm, Emerson Elementary from 10:45 to 11:30am, and the Dollar General parking lot from noon to 12:45pm.