In preparation for July’s Marion County Fair, Iowa State University & Extension will host a pre-fair work day on Sunday, June 27th. Youth Coordinator Mindy Hardman says 4H students and families are invited to complete a variety of tasks.
“We’re hoping to get a lot of things painted, like the horse arena and announcer stand. We’ll do a thorough cleaning of the concession stand. We’re going to set up the poultry and rabbit barn. That one is a huge undertaking. Those cages are all of varying sizes, so it’s kind of like putting a puzzle together when you don’t have the picture of what the puzzle should look like. We’ll take care of a few things like that. It’s really great to see the kids out there giving back and taking pride in their fairgrounds.”
The pre-fair work day begins at 2:00 p.m. on June 27th. The 2021 Marion County Fair runs July 16th through 22nd.