
Congresswoman Cindy Axne said one of her priorities in Congress is to help support families who have had to stop working to take care of an elderly or ill family member. Congresswoman Axne tells KNIA News not having services or tax breaks for those who have left the workforce brings a negative cascading effect into the economy.

“That also exacerbates the fact that it doesn’t help promote better social security savings for them either. It’s a snowballing effect here. When we don’t support folks in caregiving opportunities it snowballs into those families having to pull themselves out of the job market, and then they have a tough time making ends meet. And when they have a tough time making ends meet, then we need to make sure we are supporting them. So that’s why all of this is so important because we don’t have those structural pieces in place right now.”

The full interview was featured on In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard. Find it below.
