The Indianola Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Indianola A&W Wednesday, celebrating James McConnell taking over the family-owned business that has been in Indianola for 65 years. McConnell tells KNIA News keeping the family tradition and family-owned business couldn’t be done without the help of the chamber and the community.
“We’re thankful to have been a longtime member of the chamber. My grandpa was, my dad, and we are still today of course. Just the support you can get from this organization is really incredible. I encourage anyone looking to start a business, new businesses, anything else, look at Indianola. It’s a happening place, a growing place, and the chamber will support you. So call, ask questions, and get after it. It’s a great place.”
McConnell also said the Indianola A&W is hosting a celebration of 65 years in business in the fall, with more details to come as soon as they are finalized.