
The Knoxville City Council recently accepted a bid for a sewer lining project. This will provide for better filtration and structural stability of the infrastructure. Council member Dylan Morse says there are a number of reasons this will benefit Knoxville residents.

“There’s all kinds of reasons this is a good project for citizens, taxpayers of Knoxville. It’s saving tons of money both up front as it relates to the sewer pipes themselves, as well as at the water reclamation plant. At the end of the day, it’s keeping our inflow and infiltration in the city’s sewer system as low and as accurate as we would hope for it to be. So ultimately what makes it out to the water treatment plant is the water that should be there.”

The bid was awarded to Visu-sewer of Pewaukee, Wisconsin in the amount of $166,429. View details on the project here.