A longtime Pella dentist is sharing his insights on the struggles of modern life in a new book. Dr. Eric Recker has written
The False Sense of Urgency and How to #WINtheNOW, as an effort to discuss the impact social media and a connected society is having on everyone feeling as if they are missing something.
Recker writes, “I think a false sense of urgency is a very real thing, and it is wreaking havoc on our hearts and our minds, and—in many cases—crushing our very souls. It is that constant nagging of “what’s next?” of “nothing is good enough.” Of “I should be doing more.” And it is exaggerated and exacerbated by our phones and the constant need to be plugged in and “in the know.” It is made worse by comparison culture and feelings and rumblings that the grass may be greener elsewhere.”
Recker says he has found a measure of balance in working to cut back on some of the pressures of staying online and present, and works to find time daily to slow down and disconnect from the streams of information. Those wanting to purchase or learn more about Recker’s new book can do so at his website and hear more about #WintheNOW on today’s In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard.