
With COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations again on the rise in Iowa and across the country, U.S. Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks is calling on those who haven’t been vaccinated for the virus to do so as soon as they can.

Miller-Meeks, a licensed Ophthalmologist who also served as a nurse and doctor in the U.S. Army, says she was vaccinated as soon as it was available to her.

“When the vaccine became available, I signed up as soon as Governor Reynolds had my tier age group for vaccination,” she says. “I got my vaccine in late January or early February, and then I proceeded to administer vaccines in all 24 counties in our district, and I continue to talk about the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine and the need to crush this pandemic.”

The Republican Freshman in Congress is concerned with the recent spread of the Delta variant, and how it is primarily impacting individuals who have not yet received shots to protect themselves.

“I’m concerned when I hear talk about reinstituting lockdowns and mask mandates because I really think that the people who are vaccinating, their risk of contracting the Delta variant is extremely low–it has happened and there are reported cases of it, but right now what we are seeing is in increase primarily in those who are unvaccinated.”

Miller-Meeks believes the best way for people to get more information about COVID-19 and vaccines is through medical providers, and she encourages people who do have questions to seek those individuals out to find the best answers possible. She believes attacking individuals who are unvaccinated or have concerns is not helpful in convincing them to take part in working to end the pandemic.

Hear more about Miller-Meeks and the latest in Washington D.C. on today’s In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard.