The Knoxville City Council discussed the Edwards Park pond at Monday’s meeting. This topic has been a priority for the council over the past year, as the pond has seen an increase in silt. Council Member Dylan Morse says that after receiving recommendations from the city’s engineering firm, city staff will begin inquiring neighboring residents about the possibility of taking ownership of the pond.
“We had our engineering firm, Snyder & Associates, look into drainage issues, what kind of flow passes through that area, what we need in terms of retention and infrastructure for that kind of management. At this point, we’re reaching out to some of the neighboring property owners that have expressed interest in the past about potentially taking ownership of a portion of the area and managing it as a private pond. If there’s no interest, we’ll move forward from there. But that’s where we are at this point.”
If no interest is shown from adjacent property owners, the city could entertain options such as general upkeep, eventually creating a larger wetland; or engage in a larger project to significantly improve the site. Read more about the Edwards Park pond here.