The support received for the Wonder Spelen playground at Kiwanis Park is allowing more features to be added than previously scheduled.
At this week’s Pella City Council meeting, an additional change order with Hooyer Construction and amendments to the construction agreement between Wonder Spelen and the City of Pella and to the engineering contract with Snyder and Associates were all approved, ultimately allowing work to proceed on a new shelterhouse, Yalp Sona Arch, and additional fencing.
Mark Wiskus with Wonder Spelen and the Pella Kiwanis says he is overwhelmed by the generosity of the project’s donors, which is pushing the project further and faster than he had thought possible.
Substantial completion of playground and surrounding features remains on track for the end of October of this year, with the shelter house, arch, and fencing stretching into early spring, but coming at substantial cost savings by starting this construction year. One finished, Kiwanis Park — located off of North Main Street in Pella, will have a state-of-the-art facility aimed at allowing children of all levels of physical and mental needs to play safely.
Hear more about Wonder Spelen on today’s Let’s Talk Pella. Click here to learn how to support the project.