The Pella School Board addressed several topics at its first meeting of the new academic year Monday.
The board approved a draft of the Pella Community School District’s new mission and vision.
Preparing everyone to learn, lead, and achieve.
Pursuing excellence
Building relationships
Developing potential
A review of Iowa Department of Public Health guidance for COVID-19 and the district’s return to learn plan was held as well. The Pella School Board rejected a motion to make masks required on buses in accordance with new CDC rules for public transportation, especially as a conflict has arisen between the CDC and Iowa Code about mask mandates for schools. The board moved to adopt a new “ESSER” plan for return to learn policies.
Central College and Pella Schools have entered into a memorandum of understanding that pairs Central students with elementary students who may need a boost with their learning.
The board set official meeting dates and times for the next 10 months, which will generally remain on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, for the exception of December and March due to the holiday season and spring break.