With beautification and art projects taking place throughout the various communities of Warren County, not only are the short-term benefits considered by groups such as Hometown Pride, but the long-term gains are looked at when putting effort into programs and arts. Lorin Ditzler with Hometown Pride tells KNIA News with the influx of murals, designs, town clean up efforts, and ways to embrace the histories of towns underway in the area, it will have continued benefits down the road.
“I think people can see the value in those types of things on their own merit. But in addition to that, when you do those things it makes a big difference in how people perceive the community, it makes a big difference in the level of connection people feel to where they live, where they do business, or where they visit. It really enhances the character of the place, and makes it special. And that has real tangible benefits in terms of economics. People are going to want to move here, visit here, or open a business here if it’s a place that has a strong character, feels like home, and feels like it’s a clean, nice, beautiful place to be.”
To learn more about Hometown Pride groups in Indianola and Warren County, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.