
The Warren County Treasurer’s Office is continuing with their appointment only schedule to serve residents, after switching from a walk-in system in early 2020. Warren County Treasurer Julie Daugherty tells KNIA News the switch was made for a number of reasons, including security and fire safety regarding the long lines that had built up before the switch, upcoming legislation that will require Warren County to process title transactions for contiguous counties, and it will end up being a cost-savings measure for the county.

“The third issue we looked at has to do with the Iowa DOT. When they went to an appointment system in this past year, we knew that would increase our lines in Warren County by a lot, and we are not staffed to do that. Also, drivers licenses typically take some property tax money to offset that cost. The more we increase our lines at drivers license, the more we have to offset that cost with our property tax money. I was willing to do some of that for our own constituents’ convenience, but I was not willing to do more of that.”

Daugherty also said feedback from residents has been mostly positive regarding the change, and it helps her staff be able to more efficiently serve the public.