The Well will celebrate its tenth anniversary with an open house on Wednesday, September 1st from 5-8 p.m. at 419 E. Oskaloosa Street, Pella. With a theme “Come and See: A Decade of Offering Help and Hope,” the schedule for the evening is:
5:00-6:30 p.m. Free meal, guided tours, activities for children and adults.
6:30-7:15 p.m. An outdoor gathering for worship and inspiration.
7:15-8:00 p.m. Guided tours and activities for children and adults resume.
Open house visitors are asked to pick up their food tickets and event guides on either side of the stage set up in front of The Well Thrift Store.
The speaker for the event is Jayson Henry, The Well’s CEO. “Over the past decade, The Well has been blessed, and it has been a blessing to many people,” said Henry. “We are grateful for the community support, enthusiastic volunteers, and the helping hand we have been able to offer to people in difficult circumstances.” Visitors are invited to use the seating provided or to take lawn chairs with them.
In January 2011, local leaders began conceptualizing the Well. Those leaders were focused on offering programming and support that leads to stability in the lives of people served. In 2012, The Well Resource Center began offering services out of a small office space in downtown Pella. Volunteers and care coordinators were available to meet one-on-one with people needing assistance. From the beginning, the goal was to build relationships and community with people struggling and in need.
In 2014, The Well was gifted a thrift store, and in 2016 that space was renovated to combine The Well Resource Center and The Well Thrift Store in one location at 419 East Oskaloosa Street. The new space created a campus feel for those needing services and in 2018, Well Works was added to the campus. In 2019, The Well added a second location in Knoxville, Iowa, and in 2021, a third location was added in Fairfield, Iowa.
Over the last 10 years the Well has significantly increased its programs and services, provided employment opportunities in the community, engaged volunteers, worked with communities, and impacted the lives of thousands of people.
“On September 1, everyone is invited to come and see the evidence of ten years of blessing and growth—and to celebrate with us a decade of offering help and hope,” said Henry.
Tours will include the thrift store and donation room, the resource center, and Well Works, which currently provides employment for those we serve. It will provide information about The Well’s classes, support groups, and partners.
Food will be catered in by Prime Country BBQ and Catering and Over the Top Ice Cream. Activities include two bounce houses for children ages two through twelve. Jumbo Jenga, Yard Yahtzee, Ladder Golf, and Jumbo Connect Four will be available for all ages. The entire event is free and open to the public.