The Pella City Council approved an amendment to postpone the closing date by two months on the purchase of the Second Christian Reformed Church lot at their meeting Tuesday.
Two engineering services agreements were also approved, including design work for 250th Avenue reconstruction next summer, and for the Bos Landen Conference Center restoration project.
Following closed sessions, the Pella City Council approved a settlement with the Iowa Regional Utilities Authority and an update to an Infectious Disease Action Plan/Policy related to COVID-19.
Council also scheduled this year’s Beggar’s Night on Saturday, October 30th. The 2nd reading of ordinances amending planned unit developments for the South Main and Prairie Ridge Developments were approved as well. Council also set a public hearing for September 7th to enter into a development agreement with RDP Holdings for the new proposed Smash Park project.
During policy and planning, discussion was held on a Spirit of Pella proposal regarding additional holiday lighting in Central Park, potential uses for American Rescue Plan Funding, and changes to the long-term Facilities Plan, but no action was taken on those items.