
It will be a very different look to the Melcher-Dallas Cross Country program in 2021. Gone is legendary runner J’Lyn Knutson, who in part was credited for helping start the program. She is now running at Mount Mercy in Cedar Rapids. So far, just one runner is out for Coach Amy Stuart, a freshman named Addison Wadle, who Stuart tells KNIA Sports, is looking to grow within the program and improve each time on the course.

“Last year she finished consistently in the top ten, and medaled at nearly every meet we went to and medaled in the State Middle School meet and has aspirations to follow in J’Lyn’s footsteps.

Stuart adds there are a few more runners on the middle school level that could be the future of the program. She adds Wadle is taking things slowly and has to remember that her training is far different from what everyone is used to seeing. Wadle’s first event will be Monday at Albia.

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