With the weather cooling to the lower 80s to start the week, many of our local cross country squads can finally start their seasons. Knoxville has been waiting to start its season for over a week as the Panthers early bird meet was canceled last Monday and then a meet at Eddyville was called off due to excessive heat last week. The Panthers head to Albia for a meet to finally open the 2021 season. Boys Coach Michael Splavec tells KNIA/KRLS Sports along with lead runner and 2020 State Qualifier Seth Walraven he has several runners that can land a varsity role this season.
Splavec :
“We have a good group of guys, like Max Purvis and Kaden McGill, so we’re really excited to see what they can do for our team.”
The Albia Co-Ed Invitational at 5:00pm at the Albia Country Club.