Simpson College has unveiled a new mascot for all Simpson Storm Athletics, Thunder the Elephant. Simpson College Athletic Director Marty Bell tells KNIA News a lot of research and ideas from many around campus were considered, but ultimately Thunder the Elephant was the one that made the most sense.
“When you’re the Storm, it’s a little challenging to find out what’s going to match up to that. I can’t send someone out there looking like a puffy raincloud, that’s probably not going to do it. So we started thinking about it, and when you think about the symbolism of elephants and what’s behind that, it really aligns well with our mission. Elephants are intelligent, they have wisdom, they work as a team, all the things we want our student athletes to embody. Plus, you are looking to play off of Storm, and a herd of elephants makes a thunderous noise.”
Bell said to expect Thunder to make appearances all around campus and for events around Indianola, and the community should feel free to introduce themselves.