100+ Men on a Mission Red Rock presented a $12,000 check to Jamie Ball, the host of the local chapter of the Minnesota-based organization Best Christmas Ever. The organization is a non-profit that helps families who had their lives turned upside down in some way to have a better holiday season. 100+ member Dave Van Gorp says Best Christmas Ever was a worthy recipient of this donation because of its goal to help people who have fallen upon unfortunate circumstances.

“Best Christmas Ever really pulls a lot of heart strings. I think all of us know that we’re one decision away, that may or may not be our decision, from things are going well to things are going poorly. The majority of the 100+ men at the meeting felt that Best Christmas Ever represented exactly what we were looking for. It was exciting to be able to make a donation of $12,000.”

100+ Men on a Mission Red Rock is a group of men who meet quarterly to choose a local organization to raise money for. The donation was presented to Jamie Ball Tuesday, and was the largest donation 100+ Men has ever given.