
The Indianola City Council meets in regular and a study session Monday, with Mayor Pam Pepper reading a proclamation declaring September 21 as a Day of Peace throughout the City of Indianola, and September 19-25, 2021 as Water and Wastewater Workers of Iowa Week in Indianola. The council will consider an ordinance regarding golf carts, ATV’s, and snowmobiles that was tabled last meeting, a revised plat plan, and the Hillcrest/Urban Renewal Plan. The council will also receive an update on the upcoming Knotfest concert, view the annual YMCA report, and consider the submission of nominations to the Small Town America Civic Volunteer Award Program, and the purchase of vehicles for the Water Resource Recovery Department.

In the study session, the council will hear an update on the Public Works Department. The meeting begins at 6pm in the city council chambers at Indianola City Hall.