Registration is now open for a statewide Guide Training workshop to be held locally. The Pella Convention and Visitors Bureau will host the training on September 28 at the Pella Opera House. The public is invited to attend either location. This program was created for staff and volunteers who lead guided programs at Iowa’s cities and tourism attractions, including museums, nature areas, agritourism, city tours, and historic sites, according to Jill Vandevoort with the Pella Convention and Visitors Bureau. The one-day workshop features methods and techniques for creating and delivering dynamic guided programs, with a focus on adult visitors. To register for the September 28 workshop in Pella, contact Central Iowa Tourism Region at 1-800-285-5842 or ann@iowatourism.com. The Pella workshop fee is $10. Individuals who complete the workshop have the optional opportunity to receive Professional Guide Certification from Iowa State University for an additional fee. Certification is completed at each individual’s place of work or other Iowa locations. More program information and registration links are available at https://bit.ly/3yICE6d or contact Diane Van Wyngarden at dvw@iastate.edu.