The years-long Warren County 911 Project has concluded, replacing the 911 towers and infrastructure for emergency services across the county. Warren County E911 Director Doug McCasland tells KNIA News a needs assessment showed that a new system was necessary, in addition to public safety personnel being put at risk by not having the proper radio coverage.
“The users have been very positive so far. Some of the biggest improvement we have has been up in the Carlisle area, where the old system due to topography and other things, didn’t allow the coverage that was needed up there. With the new system, it’s a night and day difference. So they have dependability to be able to talk to dispatch, and for other responders to hear what is going on, so you aren’t just hearing one side of the conversation, you are hearing both sides.”
McCasland also said the new system allows for Warren County public safety to better communicate and operate with Iowa State Patrol and other counties.