
The Pella City Council held two public hearings Tuesday evening related to potential developments at their regular meeting. A resolution approved amends a development agreement with Vermeer Corporation related to a new parts facility along the mile and the first reading of an ordinance for a zoning change from agricultural to residential for a parcel of land in the Bos Landen development was passed.

Requests for special event permits related to pop-up music events this fall near The Brew and a ribbon cutting ceremony for Wonder Spelen and resolutions for amendments to a loan agreement with the Iowa Finance Authority and an engineering services agreement with Veenstra and Kimm for east side infrastructure improvements were also approved.

Additionally, the council received presentations during policy and planning about a proposed community rec center at the Pella Sports Park and a security surveillance and access control system at the Pella Police Department, with no formal action taken on those items this week. Read and hear more about the rec center on Thursday.