
Written answers from PACE Alliance Forum Questions:

1. Workforce is an important element of any municipality’s economic development plans. What current and future challenges do you see regarding Pella’s workforce and what role does the City Council play in addressing those workforce challenges?
All economic indicators are telling us that workforce issues are occurring nationwide, and they are here to stay. As a City Council member, I feel we need to walk alongside our businesses, large and small, providing a support system that includes the following within our community:

Affordable housing
– Affordable cost of living, achieved by not increasing taxes
– Having a presence on local economic development organizations
– Involvement in the promotion of Pella as a wonderful community in which to live

2. What is your fiscal philosophy? Specifically, how do you view the balance between the overall tax burden of Pella residents and the need to make strategic investments in Pella’s future which requires public revenues?
I view myself as conservative when spending taxpayers’ money. The city has learned that when excessive spending happens, it takes years to get our financial ship sailing successfully again. I take my fiduciary responsibility very seriously and feel strongly that we must always maintain our ability to keep our community safe and operational.

3. What do you feel is the role of the City in promoting and leading economic development investment in Pella (i.e. housing, quality of life amenities, land development, etc.)?
Development is wonderful as long as we:

Are not repeating past financial mistakes that took this community years to correct
Take a responsible spending approach
Do not privatize profit and ask our taxpayers to assume the risk

4. One of the vital roles a municipality takes on is the provision of community and recreational facilities and programs. How would you approach this role if elected to the City Council?
Pella has wonderful parks and programs for citizens of all ages. When looking at expansion of these buildings, one must have an understanding of the complete cost of building and operational expenses as well as the ability to staff larger new recreational facilities. Ultimately, it is the voting public who decides on large new recreational buildings by voting yes or no to their construction after receiving information from the city council.

5. Pella has a significant amount of aging infrastructure which collectively will need to be addressed over time. This is particularly true in Downtown Pella where a failure of our infrastructure could lead to significant challenges for Downtown businesses. What is your vision for the future of Downtown Pella regarding infrastructure modernization?
In 2017, the council recognized our failing sewers and crumbling streets and prioritized the process of rebuilding them. We must continue this plan; it is one of the main functions of city government.

6. The development of major corridors within a municipality can be done strategically to assist with economic development efforts. What major corridors, if any, in Pella do you believe the City Council should focus on regarding development?
In 2017, the then-city council developed the Oskaloosa Corridor project. The project was well received by citizens, who were asked to offer their input into the project. 8,000 cars per day travel this corridor, making it a prime location of focus in creating an urban renewal area.

7. What is your philosophy regarding zoning? What is your assessment of Pella’s current zoning regulations?
Zoning has been an issue in Pella for years and will take:

– A review of old zoning issues and policies — a very time-consuming process
– Development of new zoning policy
– A meeting of citizens, staff and elected officials to determine what community “feeling” we want for the place that we call home

8. What is your position on the use of Planned Urban Developments (PUDs) or Tax Increment Financing as municipal economic or residential development tools?
A PUD can be a useful tool when working with zoning issues that need to be addressed, as long as this system is not abused.

I am in favor of TIF if it is used in the proper manner, which is to make a positive impact on our community. With the high cost of infrastructure and building materials that we see currently, TIF can make a difference in determining whether development is a dream or a reality for our community.