The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce & Iowa State University Extension and Outreach of Marion County are partnering to host “Social Media Marketing 101.” This is a three-part, hands-on training for small businesses, nonprofits and government agencies to focus on the importance of social media in reaching and engaging a target audience. Dan Neiland with ISU Extension says this program will focus on ways to grow small businesses through social media.
“We’ll talk about ways in which you can connect with customers. We’re all busy, we’re all running around like chickens with our head cut off. But if there’s small ways you can get into people’s busy lives, if they see you on Facebook or are able to tie into your small business. People like that, especially in small towns. They want to have more of a connection, which is probably why they shop where they do anyway.”
Participants will:
Learn some tips of the trade when it comes to using Facebook.
Create and/or optimize a Facebook Business page as well as learn how to promote pages, posts, and events.
Learn how to analyze the effectiveness of a promotion.
The sessions will be held October 19th, October 29th and November 2nd from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. at the Extension Office in Knoxville. The sessions are free, but registration is required.