
The Knoxville Volleyball Squad had its ups and down this season with finishing 4th in the South Central Conference after winning four straight seasons, and having their struggles early on. Since taking over the program in 2016, Mollie Keitges has transformed Knoxville Volleyball into a program that was uncompetitive to a program that defeats ranked opponents on a regular basis. Keitges says that is all due to the family atmosphere that she has instilled and hopes the younger players all the way down to the middle school players are all welcome around the program.

Keitges: “Seeing the younger girls I know they are a little nervous seeing the older players and playing with them, but that’s really neat to see them work with each other, and it’s awesome to see how they work together so they’re ready for high school.”

Keitges adds she is proud of her high school players that volunteer their time in open gyms not just to work on their game, but to provide a little coaching to the younger players to develop their skills to be ready when they are ready to step into a varsity role.

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