The regular Pella City Council meeting this week has been moved up to today due to the election Tuesday.
Resolutions on the agenda include an agreement with SHYFT Collective to update the Design Guidelines Manual from a 3rd Edition to 4th, a final plat 2 for Shady Brook Acres, execution of an Economic Development Assistance (EDA)
Contract with Vermeer Corporation and the Iowa Economic Development Authority, a three-year farm lease agreement for the 12.5 tillable acres of ground at the Pella Sports Park, and a change order to Wastewater Treatment Facility upgrades.
Additionally, the council will be introduced to new Pella Convention and Visitors Bureau Director Ann Frost and the 3rd reading of an ordinance for a rezoning application for a 2.47-acre parcel along Bos Landen Drive to change the zoning from A1 (Agricultural) to R3 (Multiple-Family Residential).
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at the Pella Public Safety Complex, and can also be viewed online: https://join.me/CityofPella