Pella Historical Museums is the recipient of two grants from the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs (IDCA), one for $18,000 that supports salaries at the museums, and one for $6,000 to assist in marketing costs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
IDCA awarded more than $2 million in grants total through the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
“Pella Historical is so grateful that some of the COVID relief funds are helping smaller museums and non-profits,” says Valerie Van Kooten, Executive Director at Pella Historical Museums. “Many of us still have a long way to ‘dig out’ and get back to normal.”
In a typical year, Iowa’s creative sector contributes $4.2 billion to the state’s economy, employing more than 43,000 creative workers across more than 5,000 businesses statewide. In 2020, Iowa’s nonprofit arts and culture sector lost millions in revenue and at least 4,500 arts, entertainment, and recreation jobs, stemming from event cancellations and closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pella Historical Museums employs 25 people and is the sponsor of Pella’s Tulip Time. The Museums’ economic impact is approximately $4 million each year.