
The Pella City Council held two public hearings and reviewed several resolutions related to construction and development at Tuesday’s regular meeting.

Prior to business beginning, longtime Planning and Zoning Commission Member David Landon was recognized for his service posthumously following his unexpected death last month.

Ordinances including a zoning change from institutional to residential for the old Jefferson Place facility and an amendment to the South Main development agreement had first readings approved.

Additionally, the council approved a change order and final contract for the Fiber to the Premise Network project, authorization of partial assignment and assumption of private development from RDP Holdings to Pella Entertainment Group, LLC at Prairie Ridge, a public hearing to award a contract for several sanitary sewer linings throughout the community, and an engineering services agreement with Garden & Associates for the Old City Hall Alley Reconstruction project.

A funding request from the Heart of Iowa Regional Transportation Agency (HIRTA) will also be heard, with consideration scheduling during the upcoming regular budget process in February. The total funds for the upcoming fiscal year would be close to $24,000 as part of a federal match for public transportation services.