New legislation will require the documentation of sale price on motor vehicle transactions in all 99 Iowa counties beginning January 1st, 2022. This had been a requirement in many counties, but will be new for Marion County. Treasurer Michaela Bigaouette says the price must be recorded, and a form can be found in the office or online.
“Just make sure whether you’re the buyer or the seller, that you exchange a bill of sale with the other party. If you come to our office to transfer a title and you don’t have proof of your purchase price, we have to send you away, and we don’t like to do that. We have a great general bill of sale available on our website. We also have them located right inside the south door of the courthouse.”
Bigaouette also reminds residents to retain contact information for buyers or sellers, as you may need to contact them later for missing information or inaccurate paperwork.