The Indianola Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for Cabin Coffee in Indianola Monday morning, welcoming the business to the Indianola Chamber. Owner Randy Hanna tells KNIA News the entire community and the chamber have been so welcoming to the business.
“They’ve been awesome for the entire time, and the entire city of Indianola. We worked with the city on the purchase of the lot, and the chamber has been wonderful, and today we had all these people take time out of their day to come and be here at a ribbon cutting, we are most appreciative of that. I was a banker for 30 years in my prior life, and I know how strong a community can be when everybody gets around it, and it’s obvious Indianola has that going on from the school and all the way down. That was an eye catcher for us when we came to town, we were very impressed.”
For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.