
Indianola High School students were selected to the 2022 Wartburg college Meistersinger Honor Choir. The students will be instructed by Wartburg faculty during the two-day festival, and the students selected include:

Norah Leuwerke, Alto 2
Lydia Grimsbo, Alto 1
Kael Christensen, Bass 1
Jacob Butz, Bass 1
Allison Britton, Soprano 1
Erica Knupp, Soprano 2
Derrik Probasco, Tenor 1
Adison Sholes, Tenor 2

The Meistersinger Honor Choir Festival is designed to bring together the finest singers from high schools across the region to collaborate with world-class artists and perform their music with the highest level of artistry. The festival will be held on January 23rd and 24th at Wartburg College.