
The final meeting of the calendar year arrived Tuesday evening for the Pella City Council.

New Councilmember Spencer Carlstone and the re-elected Mark DeJong and Lynn Branderhorst were sworn in prior to regular business beginning.

An ordinance amending the new wards for upcoming city elections was adopted. The changes were made in response to the 2020 census and to account for shifting populations within corporate limits.

A resolution also approved on the agenda also includes updated agreements between Marion County and the City of Pella to establish precincts of incorporated and unincorporated territory, a requirement from the Secretary of State’s office to ensure precinct boundaries align with census block boundaries.

Council also approved:
– execution of a third amendment to the Development Agreement with South Main
– change order no. 1 and adjustments of final quantities used during construction of the 218th Avenue and Neil Drive Reconstruction project
– amending an engineering services agreement with Garden & Associates for the University Street Reconstruction project
– 2nd readings of ordinances (and waiving the 3rd) for changes to the South Main Planned Unit Development at 413 Main Street and a Rezoning Application for 413 Jefferson St. and 1108 E. Second St. to change the zoning from Institutional to Multiple-Family Residential