Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Cases of COVID-19 are rising quickly in Warren County, with 267 total positive tests over the last seven days and a 16% test positivity rate. Warren County has had 10,443 9,772 positive tests since the beginning of the pandemic, a growth of over 700 since the middle of December, and the 11th most for counties in Iowa.
The Indianola Community School District COVID-19 dashboard shows an update from December 20th, with between 0-5 students or staff absent due to COVID-19 in each school in the district. Any cases less than six must be reported as between 0-5.
The New York Times Coronavirus Database shows 58% of Warren County residents are fully vaccinated, while Iowa as a state is 59%, and the current risk in the county for unvaccinated adults is listed as extreme. Since January 2020, at least 1 in 5 people who live in Warren County have been infected, and at least 1 in 444 people have died.
Currently, those not fully vaccinated account for 81.3% of COVID-19 patients in the ICU, and 72.5% of patients hospitalized by COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccinations are available at Warren County Health Services. For more information, click below.