The Knoxville American Legion serves the community in many ways throughout the year and now they are looking for our help. Every year the American Legion puts up the Avenue of Flags at Graceland Cemetery for Memorial Day and Labor Day and the Legion needs to replace those flags. Commander of the Knoxville American Legion Curt Froyen tells KNIA/KRLS News how to donate.
“We are at the point that we are going to have to replace many of the flags that we use for the Avenue of Flags at the cemetery twice a year. The flags right now cost $50 a piece; we probably have a cost coming up in the next four to five years of $7.500 replacing those flags. We are asking the community to drop off donations at the Dut’s American Legion or to send a donation to our post office box 221 in Knoxville, with just a check or cash, and the check made out to the American Legion flag fund.”
Froyen says donations can be made in the names of friends or family who have served, and if so the Legion will honor their service to our country.