The Knoxville City Council met in regular session on Monday.
The council passed a resolution to award a contract and certificate of insurance to TK Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $940,762 for the 2022 Street Improvements Project. The council also approved the vacating and sale of an alley.
The council heard a presentation on Business & Community Economic Development from the Iowa Economic Development Authority for multiple grant opportunities that will help revitalize buildings in downtown Knoxville by redeveloping, rehabilitating or deconstructing buildings to stimulate economic growth or reinvestment in the community. They also approved a resolution for a municipally funded Downtown Façade Grant Program to revitalize downtown Knoxville by helping remove metal coverings on buildings and stabilizing the original brick to preserve the historic look and feel of downtown Knoxville. The Council approved a resolution to allow cafés in downtown Knoxville to place seating in on-street parking spaces beginning this summer.
There was a discussion that led to a resolution being passed to begin the process of designing a splash pad to implement in the Veteran’s Park design plans with construction potentially beginning in July 2022. The council passed a resolution for the preliminary plat for the Wright Street Development Subdivision. They also approved a resolution for the specifications and estimate of costs prepared by the City’s engineers for the 2022 Water Reclamation Facility Improvements Project and the form of contract and notice to bidders.